the dual role of cooperative members

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In a cooperative, the highest part is the members' meeting. Meeting consists of the members that some individuals are registered as members of the cooperative. Members of the cooperative is a major force in the cooperative, when the human resources (members), the quality of his cooperative will go well.

Members have a very important role for themselves as owners of the cooperative, this status over the consequences of the principle of cooperation that requires its members to invest through compulsory savings / principal. Contribute to the formation and growth of cooperatives. Even to take part in goal-setting, decision making, and oversight processes to the livelihood cooperatives.

In addition to the cooperative owners, setatus tucked the members are as a customer / user. As a legal entity that has business units, cooperative tried to keep its business units continue to run and terberkembang, it is required the consumer / buyer. Consumer / purchaser that has great potential turns out there on the members of the cooperative itself. Members make the most of that is in the cooperative for his personal needs thus creating the rotation rate of the cooperative.

From this, it has a role as a member of the cooperative owner and as a customer / user can conclude member into a double role, is a strength of the cooperative since this role can run simultaneously, which in turn strengthens the cooperative itself.

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